Safety shoes damage quickly? It may be that these maintenance details have not been noticed!

leather work shoes

The service life of safety shoes is generally related to the usage scenarios and usage methods. Workers in many industries are reimbursed after using them for less than half a year. Does this come down to the quality of the shoes? This is actually not the case. The materials used in safety shoes are relatively expensive, so it is necessary to maintain the shoes in the process of use to make the function of the shoes longer.

Leather safety shoes go through a series of production lines when they are produced. When the production is completed, the maintenance of the shoes itself is almost consumed. Many people have a habitual thinking that they don’t care about anything when they think that the shoes are new. After you get the shoes, you can use them directly. This is actually wrong. When you get the safety shoes, you should repaint them with a layer of shoe polish, and then leave them for a day before starting to wear them. This can protect the leather material of the shoes.

To develop the good habit of changing shoes frequently, safety shoes cannot be worn every day, because long-term work will accelerate their wear and tear. If you need to wear safety shoes every day, it is best to prepare two pairs and use them in turns.

You should also pay attention to safety shoes when cleaning. It is best to soak the safety shoes in clean water for a period of time, so that the stains can be diluted, and then the related cleaning agents are cleaned. Be careful not to use hot water or boiling water for clean water. After completion, put the safety shoes in a cool and ventilated place to dry naturally, or use a hair dryer to dry them, and avoid exposing them to the sun or putting them in the sun.

It is best to maintain safety shoes once a week, and check the safety shoes when they have been used for six months, and then continue to use them after ensuring that the various indicators are qualified. Of course, if the test fails, it can no longer be used, because such shoes can no longer protect safety better.

Author: Nicole

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